Some people at Coppercreek say I have accent, but I don’t really hear it. Apparently us Michiganders have a bit of a Canadian or Minnesotan twist to our voices. You’ll have to wait and hear for yourself.
Hello there to old and new friends! I’m Emily Westphal, from Gaylord, Michigan. My first summer at camp (thanks to amazing camper Marissa) I earned the nickname of Emma D, and it stuck around. I am very excited to say that this summer will be my third year at camp. I came to Coppercreek on a whim, to live in a new place. I never knew that I would be coming back three years in a row calling it my summer home.
Outside of California, when I am home, I am a certified K-12 Art Teacher. Currently, I am a long-term sub in a high school art room, but I am on the search for the perfect classroom to call my own this fall. I would love to find a job in Michigan, but I am willing to move to a new state as well. When I am not working, I enjoy painting, reading, watching movies, snowshoeing, and spending time with my beautiful one-year-old niece, Rita-Marie.
My favorite place at Coppercreek is the high ropes course. I am not only a course supervisor, but a platform supervisor as well. The platform is the best spot at camp. I am always in awe of the beautiful view of the property and feel thankful to be a part of Coppercreek when I am up on the platform.
In addition to the high ropes course, I am also an instructor for the rock-climbing program. After practicing techniques on our rock wall, the best part is going on our overnight trip each session with a group of anywhere from 5-15 campers. I can also be found leading arts and crafts, playing sports, singing songs on stage, being a cabin counselor for some inspiring young ladies, and taking photos of the every day happenings at Coppercreek.

Every summer, I like to set goals for myself. In the past two years, I have met the following goals already –
- Getting up on a wakeboard
- Riding a horse for the first time ever (Thanks to our wonderful Riding Staff)
- Shooting a 22-rifle

This summer, I would like to add learning to play guitar, trying kayaking, singing more campfire songs, and going on more mountain bike rides to that list. I cannot wait to get back to Greenville, and have another amazing summer. See you there!