Saturday, July 14, 2007

Friday the 13th...

We've fallen a little behind on our blogging this week, but with a new wireless router installed in the program office, we're hopeful that we will be able to stay more up-to-date from now on!

A recap of yesterday's adventures:

Friday the 13th…
Everyone woke up in high spirits today because it was coffee cake morning, which is a delicious start to the day. Our kayakers – Ruth C, Leilani G, Ally M, and Louis L, were up early to head out for an all-day kayaking adventure on the Feather River with staff Craig, Alex, and Brendan, and Junior Instructors Kaylie and JD. Junior TREK left once again for a fun and exciting day at a natural waterslide. We can’t wait to hear all about it! The brave high ropes group (Travis B, David K, Justin S, PG H, Matt M, Felix G, Todd G, Emma T, and David N) spent the morning climbing various things way up in the trees. Riding lessons continued with Ally B, Zoe J, Seirra T, Derek B, Lia M, David G, Laura S and Lola G. Our morning lake group, Madi W, Brittany K, Olly I, Kate B, Alma B, and Jeanne L, partook in waterskiing, kneeboarding, and wake boarding. Lunch was especially delicious: it was French Dip day! Some activites after lunch included nameball, pool, weights, drama, and shooting at the .22 range. Camp is super-excited for party night tonight, after dinner and awards. Since the date is Friday the 13th, the dance theme is Halloween.

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