Monday, May 26, 2008

Rainy Weekend

Well, it was a typical Memorial Day weekend (cold and rainy). It seems like every other year we have bad weather for the holiday. We were all happy to see the rain even though it meant we weren't going to be enjoying the outdoors. Camp is already drying out and we worry about fire danger, so seeing puddles around camp was really nice! We had a group in this weekend to participate in the Indian Valley Century Ride. It is a 100 mile bike ride from Greenville High School up to Gennesee and Antelope Lake and then back around the Valley. Most of our group actually completed the ride in spite of the rain showers and they were so complimentary of our area and facilities. It is always a pleasure to have them stay with us and enjoy what our little town has to offer!

Today, we are remembering the men and women of our Armed Services, and the sacrifices they have made for our freedoms. We are grateful today for the life we lead and the choices we have.

We hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day!
Only 2 more weeks until the staff arrive to start training. Summer is truly right around the corner!


1 comment:

Chris Ballard said...

It seems only yesterday that I was shivering in the cold, trying to get warm. And now it's nearly June, and before long the kids will be going to summer camp and not missing their parents at all!