Monday, March 23, 2009


We are on foal watch... Jada, one of our miniature mares, is due to give birth any day now. She is bred to Jiggy, our "dalmation" mini driving stallion, and we are very excited to meet this little guy/girl. The video cam is set up in Lornie's bedroom and about every hour, she rolls over to check out Jada's situation. When miniature horses are born, they aren't much larger than baby goats and they are cute, cute, cute!

Nikki, our Swedish warmblood mare, is due May 12th so we have a bit of time for her baby. She is getting quite large though and looks beautiful.

We had a scare a couple of weeks ago when Jiggy colicked during a bad snow storm. Lornie and Sutter rushed him to the vet an hour and half away. We didn't have our horse trailer so we folded up the back seat in our Dodge truck, pushed a hay bale next to the door and up went Jiggy. Fortunately, he has ridden in all kinds of strange vehicles for shows and didn't think anything of riding behind my driver's seat. We made a strange sight! He underwent colic surgery that night and after several days of touch and go (he had trouble with the anesthesia), Jiggy is home and doing well. What a relief! He just returned from having his stomach staples pulled. He has to have stall rest for 90 days but should be ready to pull carts by summer time!

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