Thursday, February 15, 2007

Our crazy lives

It has been a hectic winter at Coppercreek Camp. Ryleigh is in Kindergarten, Sutter is in high school, and Lornie, Craig and I are just trying to keep up. I am spending several days each week at Northstar as the Ticket and Pass Manager and Lornie starts coaching Junior High Volleyball next week. PHEW!!! We thought we were busy in the summer. This winter, it's taking Google calendars to keep track of all of our schedules. If you are in the Tahoe area, please stop by the pass office at Northstar and say hello. If you are attending any volleyball tournaments for your junior high kid, look out for Lornie and her Greenville team! Sutter is playing Club Volleyball and planning for a trip to Mongolia this May. Her Dad is going there for research and Sutter gets to go along! It is definitely a huge opportunity for her. Ryleigh's loving school. She gets to go to the first grade class for reading and is starting to read everything she can, including road signs and just last week, she picked up Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman!
We need camp to start so we can justify Rest Hour every day!


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